Thursday, January 17, 2008

Why This Will Stop You From Basketball Success

Hello baller,

Remember this.

Write it down somewhere.

Memorize It.

***** Every Level of talent Demands A New You.

It took me years to really 'get' this lesson, but
when I did, it helped me sprint to my goals and
achieve bigger accomplishments.

When I was struggling, bad, for years, I wanted to
become an All-Star baller, what I had no clue of
then was that I didn't have the knowledge base or
skill sets to reach this goal.

It wasn't that I wasn't trying hard enough.

Commitment wasn't the problem.

Work ethic wasn't the problem.

Talent wasn't the problem.

I had all the talent I needed.

I just didn't have the knowledge to unleash that
talent and become the all-star fans come to watch,
opponents run and duck from, and the coach calls on
to lead the team to victory.

I had no idea how much growing I had to do before I
started to see the results I wanted.

Remember this:

The only time result comes before work is in the dictionary.

Read That Again ********

The only time result comes before work is in the dictionary.

Let me explain.

I wasn't the right type of person yet.

I didn't know how to be, think, or act
like a successful Hoops Star.

I didn't stay focused for long enough
periods of times.

I expected things to happen immediately and
if they didn't I thought that was 'failure'.

Looking back on those days, I can only
laugh at myself.

What was I thinking. Yikes.

I knew I had to grow.

I asked myself:

What do I need to know and who do I need to
BE to Turn into a "Talk of the town" basketball

Ask yourself that same question.

Put in any Basketball Goal you want.

Or any personal Goal. It Doesn't have to be basketball.

Remember, people form habits and habits form futures.

Read That Again******

Remember, people form habits and habits form futures.

Work on who you need to BE FIRST.

Become that person BEFORE the Results show up.

I'd read that sentence again.

Every level of talent demands a different you.

Start being that YOU now.

Get the basketball Knowledge, stay motivated, get going.

Remember, 'being' comes first.

You can do it (obviously). We both know that.

Your Coach,

Rali Todd

PS- Want to know what the most successful, unstoppable
ballers do to become all-stars?

They study the information in
like their life depends on it.

It's not an accident the ballers who use dominate the court so
easily and have a clear advantage.

That's why it was created.

To turn your hoop dreams into reality.

You can do the same.

I know it. You Know it. They Know it.

The only person that is stopping you is you!

Defeat Yourself.

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